Instruments and Services
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The Analytical Lab offers analysis of samples on the following instruments.
Links to submit samples for analysis or book a slot can be found under each instrument respectively.
Zeta Potential
Malvern Zetasizer Nano ZS

Particle Size, Zeta Potential and Molecular Weight Analysis
The Zetasizer is used to determine the zeta potential of particles in a solution, to determine the particle size distribution of powders between 1 nm - 10 um, and can be used to determine the molecular weight of particles in a suspension.
Metal Analysis
Agilent 4200 MP-AES

Elemental Analysis
The Agilent MP-AES is used for the quantification of metals in solution. Solid samples are digested prior to analysis. Majority of the periodic elements can be analyzed except halides, inert gasses and C, H, N, and O.
*see Microwave Digestion for the analysis of solid samples
Agilent 5800 ICP-OES

Elemental Analysis
The Agilent ICP-OES is used for the quantification of metals in solution. Solid samples are digested prior to analysis. Majority of the periodic elements can be analyzed except halides, inert gasses and C, H, N, and O.
*see Microwave Digestion for the analysis of solid samples